About Us

Zaayka (Zaika) means "Full of Flavor" or Taste.

       Our journey into the culinary world started when we were really young. Vinaya and I come from a family of foodies. So our mom's play quite an important role in all of this.
                        I remember coming home from school to a house filled with the aroma of baking "Nan-Katai Cookies" or some other experimental recipe. My sister is no less an inspiration as she also cooks all kinds of continental dishes sitting way across the 7 oceans in US.
                Inspired by them even I started "experimenting" around in the kitchen. Most of my experiments ended successfully and the rest, well you can't exactly call breaking my mom's precious borosil vessels, melting plastic microwave bowls and having my entire family(read Guinea Pigs) suffer from heart burns at night successful. Vinaya too had her share of naughty kitchen disasters. Like the time she forgot that she had left the oil on the stove and was busy watching master chef finally burning it. Or the time she got curious as to what will happen if we microwave aluminum foil(DONT TRY IT AT HOME!!!!). Our mother's were relieved to find that we passed the disaster stage and that their kitchens are safe again.
                        This blog was inspired by the hours of recipe exchanging that took place in college during an especially boring lecture. We decided to merge the two fields and open a blog dedicated entirely to the foodie side in us, all those experimenting young minds and the very experienced mom's.

                                                                YOU ROCK!!!

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