Monday 3 September 2012


A Mojito (pronounced Mo-hi-to) is a traditional Cuban Cocktail. The original Cuban recipe uses spearmint or yerba buena, a mint variety very popular on the island. Its combination of sweetness, refreshing citrus and mint flavors is intended to complement the potent kick of the alcohol, and have made this clear highball a popular summer drink. The cocktail has a relatively low alcohol content (about 10 percent alcohol by volume). You can even make a "Zero-Proof" Mojito by just skipping the alcohol in it. Such a Mojito is called a Virgin Mojito or "Nojito".

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Difficulty level: Low

Serves: 1


  • Lime                       1 Big
  • Mint Leaves            8-10
  • Vodka                     30ml
  • Sprite/7up               300ml     
  • Ice Cubes                        
  • Lime Slice to Decorate

First start by cutting the lime into 1/8ths. Use a mortar and pestle to just crush the lime and mint leaves slightly so that the mint starts         leaving its oils. 
Now transfer it all into a salt rimmed glass. Add the ice and sprite. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Other Variations:

A Mojito is essentially a drink made with Sugar Syrup and White Rum. The version I've given here is the Vodka Mojito. Here are some other variations to the really easy to make drink. 

  • A Mexican Mojito uses the Mexican native tequila instead of rum as a primary alcohol, and simple syrup instead of sugar for a sweetener. To simplify production, some restaurants will add mint leaves and peppermint extract to premade margaritas for Mexican Mojitos.

  • A "Dirty Mojito" uses spiced rum, brown sugar syrup, lime , crushed mint and soda.

  • A Mojito without alcohol is called a "Virgin Mojito" or "Nojito"

  • An "Apple Mojito" uses apple-flavoured liqueur as well as rum.

  • An "English Mojito" uses gin in place of rum and sprite as a substitute for sugar/soda.

  • A "Mojito Royal" is a mojito with Champane instead of club soda.

  • A "Morelli Mojito" refers to a mojito made with Red Bull instead of soda water and Raspberry vodka

  • A "lychee mojito" is a mojito made with lychee syrup or liqueur and is popular in Hong Kong



  How to Rim a Cocktail Glass

More than just a decorative flourish, salt adds a flavorful grace note to the liquid ingredients in a Cocktail, balancing out the sweetness of the Triple Sec , the tartness of the lime juice, and the heady warmth of the Alcohol. Trick is, you want to enjoy the salty taste and deliciously coarse texture briefly with each sip without it completely overwhelming - and spoiling - your drink.
 First, fill a saucer with a quarter of an inch or so of kosher (not iodized table) salt. Next, moisten the rim of the glass with a lime wedge by cutting a shallow notch into the flesh of the fruit, then slipping it over the rim of the glass, as though to garnish it (as pictured above, bottom left). Now draw the lime along the entire rim, squeezing gently (not so hard that it drips), until the edge is uniformly moistened. It should make a nice clean line.
Now the Secret
You want to make sure the salt goes on the outside of the glass only - not the inside, where it’s liable to fall into the liquid and wreak salty havoc. So, now, rather than pressing the entire rim into the saucer at once, cookie-cutter style, try this: Tip the glass on its side, parallel to the saucer (as pictured above, bottom right). Gently roll the glass's stem between your fingers, tapping the rim gently in the salt "sandbox" until the entire outer edge is covered. Shake off any loose grains into the sink, and you’re done. Your glass is now ready to be filled with a freshly-shaken Cocktail.

Some Bonus Tips
  • Some bartenders prefer to stop halfway, leaving a portion the glass’s rim bare, so that the salt forms an elegant crescent moon.
  • When making drinks for a large crowd, glasses can be rimmed several hours ahead of time and left to dry.
  • Leftover salt from your drink-making session can be put away in a small container (separate from your main stash) and saved for next time. Or, if it's the end of season for you, use the orphaned salt for scrubbing wooden cutting boards or cast-iron pans.

Other Uses
This technique will of course work for any mixed drink that calls for a flavored rim, such as superfine sugar or Cocoa Powder.


Cheers Guys Enjoy!!!

The Preparation & Photos Courtesy our Zaayka Team Photographer Nitin Shanbhogue. Thanks Dude!! I'm sure you had hell following instructions over the phone.
The rimming photo courtesy and wikipedia

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